
Treatment plans concerning oral surgery



Let`s register a TREATMENT PLAN for a procedure in BONE SURGERY.

After having named the treatment plan, setup an accountable DOCTOR, the teeth and the recessions, proceed by completing the treatment plan in question.

Setup the dentition before getting started on the treatment plan. Let`s presume, a client needs a MAXI RAISING WITH BONE TRANSPLANTATION in area 26..

First, beyond the dentition, setup the MAXILLARY SINUS DX by scrolling the items in the curtain. Click on SEVERLY PNEUMATIZED and save the setting. In addition, you need to insert recessions because the patient show signs of that problematic in area 25-27. Click on SETUP RECESSION, scroll on the required area and click 1 time in correspondence of the teeth showing recession to highlight. Don`t forget to SAVE.

After having terminated the setup, continue with the insertion of PROCEDURES. In connection to the GREAT (MAXI) RAISING select the icon Q2, namely the quadrant in which the procedure is going to be executed.

If you followed the instructions, it is recommended to view the Odontogramm. The graphic of the great (maxi) raising should be illustrated.

Let`s continue with the addition of 2 grams of bone. Find the needed PROCEDURE with the help of the item TRANSPLANTATION BIOCOMPATIBLE MATERIAL 2 grams. This PROCEDURE should be inserted by indicating the respective element, ensuring your graphic to be accurate. Finish the quotation of BONE SURGERY with the insertion of the PROCEDURE BONE REGENERATION GUIDED THROUGH MEMBRANE.

The quotation BONE SURGERY is finalized. It can be completed through the insertion of items related to the implant.