
The management of a phone call in the dental practice



During recent years, it has become of great importance for a dental practice to meet and DOCTORLY manage the “client benefits”.

Being able to handle a call, represents an essential part in the process of patient acquisition.

Arranging a meeting over phone is already a “sale”, intended to generate the wish of the potential customer to come to your dental practice for a visit, for example, to a dental hygiene session or simply to get to know more about the your offers.

Therefore, it is essential to be convincing and persuasive. In order to be able to do that different systems need to be applied and each system needs to be focused on a different (call-)“purpose” (depending which call is being executed). For example: a RECALL FOR DENTAL HYGIENE, RECALL of a SILENT PATIENT, or a call regarding the answers to question of a new potential client.

Each of these cases need a different approach. Regardless of the kind of phone call conducted, the components to take into account (listed below), are the same for every technique of (phone call-)sale:

1. POSITIVITY AND ENTHUSIASM: this point is essential, as for the fact that in a phone call no images are visible and everything comes back to the tone of the voice (positive or negative), indicating an enthusiastic or depressed attitude. Given that the interlocutor has to initially reflect the proposal, the first few words can have a huge influence on the development of a future liaison. The wrong tone of voice can set of your dialog partner and provoke his reluctance.

2. THE VOICE: In relation to the aforementioned reasons it is necessary to pay attention to the volume of the voice. A hoarse or insecure voice should be avoided. A clear and comprehendible tone of voice is of advantage. Avoid exaggerations in the volume of your voice to ensure the comfort of your dialog partner.

3. ATTENTIVE LISTENING: never interrupt your interlocutor. An interruption could evoke the feeling of not being perceived. Not listening is a rude attitude in any case. It is important to answer questions calmly and DOCTORly. This will give the customer the impression that the secretary is genuinely interested to help and provide information.

4. FOCUS: during phone calls it can easily happen that central theme of the conversation gets lost which can prevent the objective of fixing an appointment.

5. COLLECT INFORMATION: it is very useful to ask questions in order to get a better understanding of the client`s needs (type of pain, complaint, wishes, expectations). This way, the gained information can later be used and remembered, as soon as the customer actually visits the practice. The client is going to feel safer and calmer (with the doctor and the practice) because the doctor already has information on his or her condition and is able to provide a more DOCTOR demeanor.

6. STAY CALM: it happens often that the interlocutor treats the secretary badly during a call (f.e. the client can be in pain or anxious). In order to create a positive and efficient relationship, staying calm is important. If the secretary continues speaking in a calm and polite manner the patient will probably change his behavior.

7. DON`T APOLOGISE: If communication gets started by apologizing the respect of the dialog partner will be instantly lost, damaging the DOCTOR appearance of your practice.

8. KNOWLEDGE OF BENEFITS: the employees occupying themselves with calls, need to have a broad knowledge of all aspects concerning dentistry. It is important to be able to answer every question with certainty and being able to use the gained attention to propose different solutions and benefits (in order to better your clients health). This will elevate your dental practice even in relation to your competitors.


  • Don`t call during inappropriate hours.
  • Avoid calling early in the morning or late in the evening.
  • Don`t call during important sports events or other important events.
  • Don`t disturb during meal times.
  • Introduce yourself just by mentioning your name. That is less formal than mentioning your surname, a factor that could create a cold and distant impression. Subsequently, complete the first sentence by casually naming the dental practice.
  • Never interrupt your patient. This advice is valid in every sector, but it is most important for phone related communication. During calls, note everything and enter it in the patient journal. This information can later be used to formulate a fitting offer and to recognize which buttons should be pushed once reached the visiting phase.
  • It can seem trivial, but during a call it is still important to smile because it can be perceived even over phone. Further, if calling during closing hours it is essential to wear the uniform anyway, even if the patient isn`t able to see who calls. To wear the working clothes gives the secretary the needed DOCTOR edge.

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